Compass Skills
As the sun was shining, we took the opportunity to get out onto the school field to begin to hone our compass skills. We were learning to orientate ourselves using a compass.
As the sun was shining, we took the opportunity to get out onto the school field to begin to hone our compass skills. We were learning to orientate ourselves using a compass.
We have had an active week with our Bikeability sessions. We have learned to improve our biking skills and learn the rules of the road. It has been lovely to get out and active for full days of biking!
Year 6 have started an artist’s study unit. Having looked at the work of David Hockney and Paula Rego, we explored the work of Fiona Rae creating our own abstract pieces of art.
Last week, Year 6 enjoyed a session with a Dog’s Trust volunteer. We look forward to her returning for session number 2!
Year 6 have been enjoying their Christmas Countdown activities this week. One of which was to make a natural decoration – we scavenged for sticks on our campfire afternoon a couple of weeks ago.
Year 6 have been enjoying chicken duties this week around our production rehearsals, performances and Christmas countdown!
Year 6 have been exploring light in their Science lessons this half term. We have taken part in a range of experiments exploring: shadows; reflection and refraction.
This week, Year 6 have started to revisit measures and converting between measures in Maths. We combined our maths and science learning to try and use accurate measuring to create a colour spectrum.
Year 6 managed to beat the elements and enjoy a campfire with smores this week!