“Giving all our children the passion to dream big, aim high and make a difference”

At Hatch Ride, we take pride in developing the children’s love for learning through outstanding teaching and knowing each child as individuals. We challenge our children to strive for personal excellence in all areas and promote good learning behaviours through our broad, exciting and enriched curriculum. Our vision for all of our children is to dream big, aim high and make a difference. 

Hatch Ride School prides itself on its inclusive environment, where each child can achieve their full potential and become life long learners. We want every child to move on from Hatch Ride with wonderful memories of their primary school experience and also the skills, knowledge, attitude and drive to excel in all they do. 

Our Values

A spirational
T houghtful
H onest

R espectful
I ndependent
E nquiring

Ofsted May 2022

Hatch Ride is a caring and happy school. Pupils and staff love being part of the close-knit, supportive community. They value each other and welcome individuality. Pupils behave exceptionally well and play together harmoniously