Sound Waves

Year 4 have spent time this week investigating sound waves using water and tuning forks. They explored how to change the sound waves in size using different materials and different sized tuning forks. 

Pizza Making

Last week, Year 4 enjoyed becoming chefs for the day and baking pizzas. Although it was messy, there were smiles all around as they rolled up their sleeves and worked in groups to make the dough and sauce from scratch. They designed their own pizza boxes and chose a person Read more…

Perfect Pots

This week, Year 4 have been practicing using tints and shades to create a 3D pot. Their pots had to start in the shape of a number and then develop into their chosen shapes. Many of the children used the artist Magdalene Odundo for inspiration. 

Nature Models

Year 4 have been collecting their recycling for a variety of Art and DT projects this half term. Last week, the children were creating sculptures of nature inspired by a variety of artists. They looked at many art pieces by El Anatsui and focused on using different methods to join Read more…


Year 4 have been enjoying exploring a range of dance throughout this half term. They have particularly enjoyed applying their science knowledge of solid, liquids and gasses to create a series of dance movements.