
With the rise of apps, games, tablets, smart phones and social networking sites, parents often ask us for advice about setting boundaries in their child’s digital world.
We are committed to safeguarding our pupils and supporting parents so that they can help their children to make the most of digital technology and deal with the challenges that can arise.
- Find out more about the most popular social networking sites. Net Aware from the NSPCC is quick and informative page very useful for reference.
Safer Internet Day
This global event takes place every year. We always use the day as another opportunity to remind our children how to be safe online and how to be part of a caring online community. We run activities in class, online-safety assemblies and provide information to parents and the wider community about staying safe online.
For lots of useful information about keeping your children safe online visit www.internetmatters.org . You can even visit a virtual house and find out how to make each device in your own home safer for children!

- E-Safety AdvisorThis is a very useful website with detailed and recent information on how to keep your children safe online.
We take e-safety extremely seriously here at Hatch Ride School and we have filters in place to protect your children whilst they use the computers and tablets in school. To help parents keep their children safe at home whilst they are on computers we have produced a leaflet and a booklet of helpful tips and advice (see below).
For further parental advice on ensuring your children stay safe whilst online visit CEOP’s Thinkuknow website

BBC Own It App
If your child uses a smartphone, we would highly recommend the BBC Own It App. This is available in Apple and Android and can be downloaded on to your child’s phone. It features a special keyboard, used like a normal one, but which gives in the moment help and advice on whatever a child is typing, for example if a child is typing something which might be upsetting to the person receiving it. It can also recognise if a child types personal details and reminds them to think twice about whether it is safe to share. It can even recognise language that might suggest a child is in trouble and will offer them advice and encourage them to talk to a trusted adult. There is a diary function so children can record how they are feeling and why and in response, the app can offer help and support instantaneously. There are a range of resources to help children make the most of their time online and build healthy online behaviours and habits – covering everything from managing screen-time to boosting digital wellbeing. Most importantly,, the app will encourage young people to have open, honest and regular conversations with parents about their online experiences. But crucially, it won’t provide reports or feedback to parents and nothing the child types ever leaves their phone.