CULINERA – Our School Restaurant

Culinera are an independently owned and operated catering company, established with the aim of bringing about a new era in food.

You can find out more about Culinera on our website

All of Culinera’s meals are freshly prepared within the school kitchen. Menus are on a three-week rotation and are changed termly to suit the season.

We are using ParentPay as our meal ordering system. It is important to know that we will be operating a policy where all meals need to be ordered online on ParentPay before 8am each day. Any child who has not ordered but requires a meal after this time will be given a cheese sandwich option.

The price for a lunch is £2.45 per day. If you are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 a school lunch is free.

Allergies and Food Intolerances

All information regarding allergies and intolerances can be found on our dedicated website page where there is a from to complete:

Please also inform the school office via email if your child has an allergy or intolerance. 

Free School Meals

Visit our page on free school meals for more information