Y5 Hindu Temple Trip

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Slough Hindu Temple. We received a very warm welcome and they generously provided our children with a snack. We witnessed morning prayers, learnt lots about the Hindu faith and chatted with members of the community.

Year 4 Book Club

The children have enjoyed spending the second half of book club outside. They have dramatically recreated some of their favourite moments, read pages of their books aloud to each other, shared book recommendations and updated the class reading goal. I was amazed at how many brilliant books they had chosen Read more…


It was a pleasure to accompany 6 children from year 1 and 2 for a taster gym session today at Pinewood. The children impressed the instructors with great listening, superb balancing skills and quick progression in each activity due to their ‘can do’ attitude.

Stone Age Day

Year 3 started our day hunting and gathering prehistoric animals and plants. We made a fire and roasted marshmallows and we told stone age stories. We made our own Stonehenge using wooden blocks, coloured prehistoric animals and created a variety of cave paintings. We ended our day by making our Read more…