Sports News & Events
Football B Team
Our B Team showed off their football skills and resilience in the pouring rain during a friendly tournament last week. We were very proud of them all!
Bowling Experience
6 Year 5 & 6 pupils had the opportunity to try bowling, they tried very hard and had a fantastic time. They were all very proud of their medals!
It was a pleasure to accompany 6 children from year 1 and 2 for a taster gym session today at Pinewood. The children impressed the instructors with great listening, superb balancing skills and quick progression in each activity due to…
Football County Champions!
We are very proud that football team won the Pokémon Primary Schools’ Cup County Championship!! Well done to all the players and thank you to Lee, Mr Young and the parents that supported them.
Leadership Academy
Last week, we took eight year 3’s to St Crispins school hall for a exiting selection of activities made by other sports leaders and ourselves. We had other year 3’s from different schools to complete our practiced activity. We all…