Hatch Ride Primary School is an inclusive, nurturing school, with high aspirations for all children. We celebrate our differences and strive for all children to reach their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically. By providing a high quality broad and balanced curriculum that promotes self-respect and respect for others, our pupils become confident individuals and happy learners who live fulfilling lives and are able to make a successful transition into adulthood. Our teachers have the highest possible expectations for all pupils in their class and we believe that excellent SEND teaching is excellent teaching for all.
Our vision for all of our children is to dream big, aim high and make a difference.
We identify SEND with the intention of addressing unmet needs and removing barriers to learning, so that children develop the skills and knowledge they need to achieve and succeed across all areas of the curriculum.
What are Special Educational Needs?
A child is identified as having a Special Educational Needs and/or Disability if they have a learning difficulty, which calls for provision that is additional to and different from that normally available to children of the same age.
These needs can be considered under 4 keys areas: cognition and learning, communication and interaction, physical and sensory, or social, emotional and mental health. A child may need support in one or more of these areas for a short period of time or throughout their educational life. The needs may be identified before a child starts school or they may come to be recognised at a specific point in their education.
4 Key areas of need
Click on the text in any of the pictures below to find out more about the provision we offer for each area of need.
If you would like to contact Hatch Ride’s SEND co-ordinator, Mrs Helen Flavin, please contact via the school office on 01344 776227 or via email sendco@hatchride.wokingham.sch.uk
What is the Local Offer?
Local authorities are required to develop a ‘Local Offer’, which will provide information for children, young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers in a single place, helping them to understand what services they and their families can expect from a range of local agencies.
Further information
The Wokingham SEND Local Offer: SEND Local Offer (wokingham.gov.uk)
Hatch Ride SEND policy
Hatch Ride SEND Information report
Useful Links
- SEND: guide for parents and carers – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
- SEND Voices Wokingham Guide A quick and easy guide for parents & carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) SEND-VOICES-BOOKLET-A5-DIGITAL (3).pdf (sendvoiceswokingham.org.uk)
- Children and Young People’s Integrated Therapies (CYPIT) Children and Young people mental health services in Berkshire (berkshirehealthcare.nhs.uk)
- Place2Be Improving Children’s Mental Health Mental health support for parents and carers – Place2Be
- British Dyslexia Association
- The National Autistic Society
- Dyspraxia Foundation
- ASD Friendly (Autism and Aspergers)