Statement of Intent 

The Governing Body of Hatch Ride Primary School works with the management team on strategies to deliver the best possible environment for every child, for each member of staff, and for the whole school community, enabling them to grow and develop their potential.

This is the aim of the Governing Body and is embedded in all aspects of the work carried out by the Governing Body.

The Governing Body at Hatch Ride Primary School consists of the following as set out in the constitution:

  • 1 – Head Teacher
  • 1 – Staff Governor
  • 8 – Co-opted Governors
  • 2 – Parent Governors

The document below shows the make-up of the Governing Body including Governors attendance, Governor’s terms of office and Governor Business Interest Register.

Types of Governor Roles

Co-opted Governor
A member of the local community or school you will understand the importance of the local primary to its community and will have an interest in supporting its activities.
Governors are elected by the Governing Body.
Parent Governors
Are elected to be representative of the parent body. They should keep in touch with those who elected them but make up their own minds on how to vote on any specific issue.
Staff Governor
Is a member of the school staff and can be teaching or non-teaching staff. All
staff governors are elected by staff.
This is the Governor position reserved for the Head Teacher only.
Associate Governors
Governing Bodies can choose to appoint associate members to help them with their work. Associate members cannot vote on governing body decisions.

Meet the Governors

Committee Meetings

The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets at least once every half term, 6 times a year.

Governor Areas of Responsibility

There are several areas of responsibility of governors within the Governing Body to assist in the
improvement of the school, the Governing Body and to champion these areas. They cover
Foundation, SEN, Development, Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Sustainability, Ofsted, Narrowing the Gap and Transition.